The most important thing for any kind of a website is to be structured in a way that allows its visitors to get the information they have been searching for, as soon as possible. A website layout and unique elegant design have always been important. However, in a very, very competitive business environment in each and every niche of the e-commerce and the dot-com economy, what really makes a difference is the content.
So here comes the first conclusion.
Whatever we do with our web pages, the main objective is to deliver the content to the website visitors fast and to make it easy for them to use it.
I would suggest anyone who wants to revamp a website or to start a new web-based project to consider a plain, simple web presentation and to avoid any advanced, flashy multimedia design patterns, which would make it harder for the users to focus on the content.
As each and every aspect of the website structure is important, it is a very good idea to start with a sketch of the web pages and to present it to those who work on the graphical interface.
Just grab a pen and sketch the home page and internal web pages where website visitors are supposed to land.
Another suggestion is to create a procedure and to ask the graphic designer(s ) and the web developer(s), who work on the background, to start following it from the beginning. The project might be a small business, few page site or a complex website with a lot of functionality. Whatever it is the process must be well-organized.
Create a simple procedure that describes the communication process and outlines what is expected from those who work on the project.
The web development team must know from day one that they are expected to communicate to each other in a certain way and to pass along whatever is necessary to anyone involved in the project, at any stage. There are various communication tools. It would be any simple self-hosted app or something like or a The more one in control of the project knows about the website design and development process the better result one would expect.
Web design and prototyping tools are becoming more mature and this improves the workflow. Graphic designer and web developers exchange less static files and start working with project management platform that offer dynamic visualization, which allows exploring and testing the website functionality, in any development stage.
Websites layout should evoke enduring images, brighter colors that enrich another color by contrast.
If we need to make sure that our new website design is in line with the latest web design trends, we should pay attention to the latest examples of graphic design copies and to the artwork of those who set and develop standards for the web.
Finally, we do not even need to discuss a mobile version as an element of any contemporary website. It is considered as “a must”.
If you needs specific, step by step advice, search the web to find out what different web designers and developers say about new threads in website development. The popular blog TheNextWeb offers such advise in article Web design trends we can expect to see in 2017. Good luck with your web endeavors.
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