Most people just don’t have time to update software, to spend time in searching for new versions and etc. But when it comes to your WordPress blog, the one that makes you some money, don’t hesitate, just update it.
Especially when the platform of your blog is WordPress and when the new version is 2.5. I must admit that I used to underestimate the software updates (including the updates of my blogs). I never got hacked until last week when someone used a vulnerable application in one of my Bulgarian language blogs and added a large number of explicit keywords, obviously aimed to boost any website. This made me to spent a couple of hours to clean up the mess in the blog. If I would updated it, this might not happen.
WordPress 2.5
The first I said when I opened the new 2.5 version of WordPress was “bring me back the old design”. The new one looked to me … well just messy. The clean style of previous version was gone, changed by a design and a navigation that made me to regret I did the update. But this was just my first impression.
When I spent 10 minutes in browsing through the 2.5 interface I realized it is definitely better than old versions. There are many improvements and WordPress team says that they are inspired by the feedback received from the bloggers.
It is easy both to add and delete keywords with version 2.5. There is a media library to store pictures, video and sound files. It is a little bit confusing for the first time user, but it does not take too much time to get used into it.
2.5 has a Tag section where bloggers can ad tags associated with the content of the blog and its pages. WordPress however become more sophisticated platform, and there are tons of various themes, so I can not say project how will the “tags” work on your theme. So just try them!
Media Library is a whole new section in WordPress 2.5 where anyone can manage their pictures, videos and sound files easier than in older versions.
FeedBurner feed is integrated in the WordPress 2.5 dashboard. BLogger can post their FeedBurner URL by going to “Settings” section.
There are many other nice tools in 2.5, but don’t make me sweat in doing your job 😉 Just go install it.